TrewCare’s Philosophy of Care
We aim to promote and reflect the values that focus upon the individual client, as being central to the care service planning and delivery of care.
In order to achieve this TrewCare has drawn upon the fundamental core values of care which underpin the service values. These are the basis for the provision of individual care services.
TrewCare believes the best person to plan his or her future is that person. We help our client’s to fulfil their expectations and aspirations and we enable them to make their own plans and decisions regarding their life.
These are:-
- Respect for the intrinsic worth, dignity and individuality of the client. His / her racial identity and cultural heritage.
- Autonomy and independence of personal decision making, including the assumption of risks as well as responsibilities associated with citizenship.
- Choice of occupational activities, lifestyle and the maintenance of independence, including the opportunity to select from a range of options where possible.
- Participation and integration in society, in the development of plans, policies and decisions affecting the client’s life.
- Fulfilment of personal aspirations and abilities in all aspects of daily life, including the opportunity to develop new skills and knowledge.
- Maintenance of privacy from unnecessary intrusion, together with the safeguarding of confidentiality.
- Equality of opportunity and equal access to services irrespective of age, race or ethnic origin, colour, creed, religion, political affiliation, disability or impairment, marital status, parenthood, gender or sexual orientation.
The realisation of these values together with the level of help and support required to achieve individual goals, will be a unique process for each individual – as everyone is a unique individual. However, the value principles remain constant and provide a foundation for the provision of care to all, regardless of personal circumstances.
Quality Matters
The quality of the service we provide is very important to us. Whilst aiming to be accessible at all times in order to deal with any queries or problems which may arise, we also have a formal quality assurance programme.
Annually we send our client’s a questionnaire for them or their representative to complete, this is then collated, analysed and points raised are addressed to improve our client care.
We also have on going quality assurance which commences with the initial management/supervisory visit. Followed by a visit in a month later in order to address any issues there may be. Thereafter a six monthly supervisory visit should be made to ensure that the quality of the service provided is satisfactory.